ETC677 Dipity

Thursday, February 16, 2012

ETC Fall Courses

As you know, the fall schedule is now open for you to view. You may have noticed that there are not many ETC courses listed in the fall semester. Here's the deal...


We petitioned the university to change the numbers of our courses. The application went through the appropriate channels and the process ended yesterday with an approval. That means that central administration needs to create the codes for the new courses into LOUIE (they need to build the courses). Once they are built, then our scheduler can add them to the schedule that all students can see. That takes about two weeks.


So, do not despair. We will offer all of our ETC courses in the fall but they will show with the new numbers. Expect to see them in the schedule in about two weeks.


If you're not familiar with the new numbering for courses, please check out...


Also, remember that on your POS you can use either the old or new numbers, meaning that you don't have to take two courses for one requirement. If you have any questions, please contact your academic advisors.

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